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Some stuff about us

Julian Luna and Matt Fries are a collaborative duo working primarily in large playful electronic sculpture, utilizing light, sound, interactive sensors, and a wide array of physical materials including steel, wood, and acrylic. Their work focuses on bringing the viewer into their own experience as an active participant, often directly interactive, but always bending perception—whether by the hand of the viewer or their minds.

Julian Luna has always been interested in combining art and engineering, fomented by mentors-turned-peers in both fields from the Houston Art Car community, within which he has been building and contributing to art cars since 2003. 

Matt Fries approaches design from a background as a musician and an electronic-instrument-maker-turned-electrical-engineer who became interested in creating inhabitable instruments wherein the viewer controls what they are hearing/seeing in a sculptural and physically large device or structure. 

Creating tangible and mentally stimulating sculptures and environments is central to Moon Papas’ design and process.

      In addition to their collaboration in Moon Papas, Luna and Fries work with Dump Truck Design, a custom design and fabrication company specializing in furniture and fixtures. Wherein they build out bars and restaurants, amongst various clients—both in their infrastructure and interior design.

By combining their unique skill sets, Luna and Fries create mesmerizing sculptures and spaces otherwise unachievable on their own--and that, is pretty badass. 

They, and their viewers, have a lot of fun. 

About Us: Bio
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